The BMA Medical Book Awards 2014

We are thrilled to announce a very successful night at the 2014 BMA Medical Book Awards. Best book (Popular Medicine) went to Mindfulness for Health: a practical guide to relieving pain, reducing stress and restoring wellbeing by Vidyamala Burch and Danny Penman, and How to Feel Better: Practical ways to recover well from Illness and injury by Dr Frances Goodhart and Lucy Atkins, received a Highly Commended in the same category. Congratulations to our authors!
The BMA Medical Book Awards take place annually to recognise outstanding contributions to the medical literature. Prizes are awarded in 21 categories and over 650 books are entered.
Judges were extremely enthusiastic about both books:
‘Mindfulness for Health is an excellent book which guides the reader through an interesting and enjoyable mindfulness course but also brings the practice to life with inspiring personal stories of people who have benefited from mindfulness techniques.’
‘How to Feel Better argues that the old-fashioned idea of convalescence, rebuilding your physical and emotional resources after a health crisis, is in fact just as relevant today as it was for the Victorians. The authors explain how you can play an active part in your emotional recovery. This is the ‘‘modern art of convalescence’’. … It is full of the sort of information which GPs, nurses and doctors (of all branches of medicine and surgery) caring for recovering patients would like to have time to impart to their patients – if only they had that luxury of time.’
To find out more about mindfulness and mindfulness for health, visit and